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HealthfulChat has the philosophy and the dream of connecting peers together to support one another. The website developers wish to offer this service to the worldwide web without the pressure of having to pay or be subjected to intrusive pop-up adverts or promotional videos.


It is important to remember that like all websites it costs to run HealthfulChat. In order to make sure that the HealthfulChat network runs without interruption, that each of the forty plus Health Chat Rooms are kept up and running as well as the Health Forums and Social Network, HealthfulChat is a full-time job for its technical staff, which is coupled with a substantial financial liability in order to keep its servers and other obligations paid.


Although HealthfulChat does include unobtrusive advertisements, the revenue received is unfortunately minimal and does not come close to covering the operational costs of this site. HealthfulChat relies heavily upon donations from those in our community who can afford to give. Please know that any amount donated will be greatly appreciated and used only to keep HealthfulChat alive to serve you, our site visitors.


We urge you to support us so that we can keep HealthfulChat's services free for all to use. Charging a membership fee to cover our costs would be discriminatory and overall make this site less accessible. Help us to help others and to keep this website free!


» To make a donation simply click on the donate icon towards the top right of the page. Thank you.