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Men's Health Chat Room
HealthfulChat knows how important it is for the male population to take care of their health needs. Unfortunately, there are many men who are leery of speaking about their health problems to both peers and professionals. HealthfulChat is based on the philosophy that peer support along with the proper medical attention can speed up the healing process along with giving people the support they need. Men in particular seem to avoid not only seeing a doctor but talking to their male friends about health issues due in part to pride and embarrassment. Unfortunately, this pride and embarrassment can lead to health problems that go unaddressed for far too long. In order to answer the important call for the worldwide male population, we have created the Men's Health Chat Room, the men's health forums, and the men's health social network.
According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention web site, in the United States alone, it has been reported that 12% of men are in either fair or poor health. Furthermore, only 37% of the male population in the United States participates in a regular exercise routine. That leaves more than half of the men in the US alone who do not stay fit and are potentially putting themselves at risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, to name but a few. HealthfulChat is dedicated to giving men a safe place to go and speak to peers, perhaps give encouragement or gain advice that he can then bring back and speak to his doctor about. HealthfulChat encourages you as an important member of this community to talk as openly and anonymously as you wish not only about men's fitness and any health concerns, but also male-specific ailments such as hair loss, impotence, prostate cancer or testicular cancer.
According to,, "73% of Britons - nearly three quarters - say they go online for health information." The same site offers that 81% of people who have internet access in, "Australia, Brazil, Britain, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain and the United States," seek out their health information on-line. HealthfulChat understands the need to offer the population
a not only informative environment, but a supportive one as well, and hopes that you enter the men's health portion of the website ready to meet, greet, share and support with others.
HealthfulChat welcomes you to this men's health portion of the network. Please feel free to use our Men's Health Chat Room, the men's health forums, and the men's health social network. You may be able to not only give and gain the support you deserve, but you also might make some new acquaintances around the world.

The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.