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Welcome to the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Chat Room
Online Support Community and Health Forums
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HealthfulChat is here to offer you a venue to receive the support you need for post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.  HealthfulChat encourages you to join the peer support group we are proposing to you here. You are welcome join our Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Chat Room, post traumatic stress disorder forums, and this post traumatic stress disorder social network; join one, two, or all three to begin to be supported by your peers on your way to wellness.


Although HealthfulChat always endorses professional medical help, we believe that there is power in numbers. We also understand that along with the victims of violent crime, and veterans from wars such as Vietnam and Korea, there are a whole new community of veterans who come home only to feel the pain of the battle they thought was over, entering into their home lives. HealthfulChat harbors the philosophy that although medical help is always the correct route to go down, a supportive society of peers is also vital in making you well, and allowing you to enjoy your life again. We encourage you to enter this PTSD arena to meet, greet, share and support with others.


Although post traumatic stress disorder was only classified as an illness in 1980, it has been around as long as human beings have been traumatized. It was referred to as, "soldier's heart," or, "combat fatigue," or the most popular, "shell shock," to explain why veteran's, such as army, navy, marine and air force vets returned from the horrors of war seemingly unable to progress with their lives and move through the stress of the experience they endured. PTSD can lead to depression, anxiety and panic attacks; HealthfulChat wishes to enter your life either before these unfortunate side effects of PTSD have hit you, or while you are experiencing them, so that you can unload your thoughts to someone else who understands what it is like to close their eyes and see violence, only to open them back up again and see your spouse's, parents, friends or children's worried faces.


Although PTSD has been linked almost primarily to war veterans, anyone who has lived through trauma may develop the disorder. For example, "…10% to as high as 30%," of rape victims will experience PTSD. Although PTSD is a disorder that affects all who have been traumatized, the African-American community appears to suffer the most, as well as the female population. Further, "5 million people will suffer from PTSD at any one time in the United States…" Considering that the world is populated by over 6 billion people, and this statistic applies only to the United States, imagine how staggering the world wide statistic is.

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The point is that you are not alone in your syndrome. There are many others around the globe who can empathize with your daily struggle, can offer support and a firm shoulder to lean on.


The goal of this post traumatic stress disorder web page is to give anyone ailing with PTSD a chance to link to others worldwide who can accurately understand your daily struggle. Please try the PTSD Chat Room, post traumatic stress disorder forums and the PTSD social network to begin connecting with your peers.



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Useful Links:

Heal My PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms, causes, treatment, support and education information

PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma, PTSD symptoms, PTSD treatment, symptoms of posttraumatic stress, posttraumatic stress disorder syndrome.



The services provided by HealthfulChat are designed to support, not replace any professional medical help you may currently be receiving.